
Sexual Misconduct Prevention Programming at UMD

The University of Minnesota Duluth offers a wide range of activities that help the campus community engage in sexual misconduct awareness and prevention.

Sexual Misconduct Prevention Committee

Formed in 2021, the Sexual Misconduct Prevention Committee (SMPC) brought together and combined the Sexual Violence Response Team and the UMD Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Stalking and Dating Violence Committee. The members of the SMPC are students, staff and faculty representing units, departments, and community partners engaging and collaborating in sexual misconduct prevention work. SMPC members possess expertise across disciplines and work areas. The charge of the UMD Sexual Misconduct Prevention Committee is to: 

  • Promote bystander intervention education and practices to prevent sexual misconduct
  • Support programming and education that underscores healthy relationships, safe dating practices, healthy sexuality, and empowerment in intimate relationships
  • Promote trauma-informed practices in University response to sexual misconduct
  • Serve as a source of expert advice and counsel about the University's practices and policies
  • Review and consult on data and assessments related to sexual misconduct
  • Providing semi-annual progress reports to the Vice Chancellor of Student Life and Dean of Students
  • Make recommendations for improvement